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cb Water Sanitation And Hygiene (WASH)
Chaitanya Bharathi since inception undertaking awareness generation programs on water sanitation health and hygiene various mandals of the district. The objective is to sensitize / streamline the community for consumption of safe drinking water, adoption of better sanitary practices focus on Menstrual Hygiene and Management and to bring behavioral changes in the community. Water and Sanitation are two important components which are not being seen as an end but as a means of benefit with the following objectives and activities.
To bring improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas by promoting cleanliness, hygiene and arresting open defecation.
To accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas.
To motivate communities to adopt sustainable sanitation practices through awareness creation and health education.
To encourage cost effective and appropriate technologies for ecologically safe and sustainable IHHL with the support of RWSS.
To focus on solid and liquid waste management systems for overall cleanliness in the rural areas.
To sensitize the community on maintenance of WASH structures.
To educate and empower the women on MHM.
Conducting of survey and analyzing data.
Community mobilization.
Orientation to key personnel and stake holders.
Capacity building to staff and CBOs.
Construction of IHHL, Borewells, and open wells.
Solid and liquid waste management.
Orgazing awareness generation camps and workshops on water, sanitation and hygiene.
Maintenance information system (MIS).
Linkages with village water and sanitation committees, RWSS department.
Focus on school led total sanitation.
Awareness generation to adolescent girls on MHM.
Rapport with PRI, PTA, SHGs, Youth, and VWSC.
cb Awareness on Trafficking
Trafficking is the modern practice of slavery. It is the second largest criminal industry in the world after arms and drugs which victimizing millions of people around the globe. 6 awareness camps on trafficking have been conducted during the reporting period. The resource person Mr. A. Madhava Rao addressed the camps and covered various topics relating to the trafficking and educated the participants.

He outlined that trafficked persons are engaged in labour or sexual exploitation. Sex trafficking is one of the lucrative sections of the trade in people and involve sexual exploitation in prostitution, bride trafficking and commercial sexual abuse of the children. He pointed out that anti trafficking moment is the only solution to resolve the modern practice of slavery by involving the community. He explained that trafficking is the free transportation of people across boarder due to poverty, inequality and other social evils. He appealed to the people to extend their unreserved support and dedicate whole heartedly to put an end to this social evil.
cb Awareness on HIV / AIDS
The main aim and objective of these camps was to generate awareness among the people on HIV/AIDS and how it hampers the economy of the people and affects their life. A huge rally was organized in the above given places to sensitize the community by holding play cards and shouting slogans on HIV/AIDS.
cb Awareness on Disabled Welfare
Chaitanya Bharathi identified 95 disabled children by conducting the survey and they are supported with free bus passes, PHC certificates from the doctors. We have brought to the notice of the Disable welfare department, Vizianagaqram for their support for supply of tricycles, sanction of pension to the disabled to assist the families for their wellbeing.
cb Awareness on Domestic Violence Act
The main objective of these camps are to awaken the women on protection of women from domestic violence act 2005. Domestic violence is an inhumanity and totally violation human rights.It hampers the growth of an individual.
designed by: Anil Kumar, Parvatipuram, Ph: 9396210056