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Microsoft (R & D) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad. .......... IDC livilyhood & ReWeave Project
Karl Kubel Stiftung, Germany .......... WE CLEAR Project
Dept. of WCD, GOI, New Delhi .......... SWADHAR SHELTER HOME
Dept. of WCD, GOI, New Delhi .......... HELPLINE
Dept. of WCD, Central Social Welfare  Board, GOI, New Delhi .......... SHORT STAY HOME
Dept. of WCD, Central Social Welfare  Board, GOI, New Delhi .......... 7 CRECHE CENTRES
Dept. of WCD, Central Social Welfare  Board, GOI, New Delhi .......... FAMILY COUNSELLING CENTRE
National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), New Delhi / AP State AIDS Control Society (APSACS), Hyderabad .......... FSW - MSM - TI Core Project
HIVOS, Netherlands .......... Sustainable Livelihood Enhancement and Enterprise Promotion Project (SLEEP)
Local Donars .......... For Organising Awareness Camps, Meetings and Trainings.
Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam .......... Extending Support for CSR Projects.
designed by: Anil Kumar, Parvatipuram, Ph: 9396210056