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Chaitanya Bharathi with the support of National Aids Control Organization, New Delhi, Andhra Pradesh State Aids Control Society, Hyderabad is implementing FSW-MSM-TI Project in 10 Mandals of Vizianagaram District, for 1074 FSW and 111 MSM with the following objectives, goal and activities.
To increase knowledge levels on STI/HIV/AIDS among sex workers.
To extend relief and rehabilitation measures to the affected people in natural, man made, calamities Shelter less, distress and disasters.
To explain the importance of RMC and to increase health seeking behavior among FSWs.
To establish quality STD services among FSWs.
To provide skills on correct and consistent usage condoms.
To conduct advocacy with different stake holders for effective implementation project activities .
To strengthen the CBOs to solve their problems and issues .
Behavioral change communication (BCC).
Identification of hotspots and formation of self help groups.
Advocacy meetings with different departments .
Organization of special events.
Promotion of condom social marketing.
Condom outlet maintenance.
Counseling to STD / HIV patients.
Organizing trainings, weekly and monthly reviews.
Coordination with CBOs.
Networking and advocacy .
Link up with government departments.
Enabling environment .
Referrals and linkages.
Capacity building to staff.
STI services.
Networking with PLHA, Care and support, ART, PPTCT,VCCCT and DOT.
Awareness generation among HRG.
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designed by: Anil Kumar, Parvatipuram, Ph: 9396210056