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The economic, social and psychological needs are causing many problems to present day women, who are not equipped enough to face them. Specially for the women in difficult circumstances like widows, destitute and deserted women, women ex-prisoners, Victims of sexual abuse and Crimes, including those trafficked and rescued from brothel houses, migrant or refugee women, who have been rendered homeless, due to Natural calamites like floods, Cyclone, Earthquake etc., Mentally challenged women, women victims of terrorist violence etc.

Sometimes society itself drives such women out of the system to lead lives of sub human existence. Some times vulnerable women in distress end up as beggars or prostitutes for their own survival and at times for survivals and maintenance of their dependent children. Marital conflicts and emotional disturbances are driving women out of their home. These women require sympathy; help and proper rehabilitation and guidance. Self-confidence should be instilled in them to face the situations. They should be given mental and financial support to readjust in their family or society or both.

This scheme supported the specific vulnerability of each group of women in difficult circumstances through a Home-based holistic and integrated approach. Such type of scheme is very highly helped in vizianagaram to ensure the women in distress.

Help line is very useful to those women who are in difficult circumstances like destitutes in danger, deserted women , victims of sexual abuse, widows, women and girls trafficked and rescued from brothel houses and women who are facing marital conflicts and emotional disturbances ,girls failed in love etc.

The poject has been aimed to help the women in distress with the following activities.
Providing free accommodation and other basic needs
Health and hygienic facilities
Education to the children of the inmates.
Awareness generation and counseling
Vocational trainings
Linkages with concerned departments
Clinical an legal support
Toll free phone facility
Legal and psychological counselling.
Referral services
Review and monitoring by the home committee.
designed by: Anil Kumar, Parvatipuram, Ph: 9396210056